Episode #32:

 Got a Sick Kid? 


If your family is having a year like ours, you might be stuck in an endless cycle of SICK.


And just when the illnesses are fading away…. here come the spring allergies!


I’m thankful every day for medical treatments that help my family stay healthy and heal quickly – my kids are not so appreciative. Especially when they have a huge needle headed their way.


But we’ve found ways to make scary things a little less frightening and help give our kids a sense of control when it comes to what happens to their bodies.


 It all begins with the energy you are bringing to the moment.


If you’re dismissive (“it’s just an eye drop – stop complaining!”) or anxious yourself (shouting “you’re fine!” at them with wide eyes and trembling hands) it ain’t gonna go well.


On today’s “Good Enough Parenting” podcast, I’m sharing how you can make healing less hair-raising by


*Using play

*Helping your kid feel more in control

*Validating their fears

*Giving options

*Planning Rewards


Nothing feels worse than having a sick kid. Getting them better shouldn’t lead to more stress.

So grab a lollipop and check in with yourself. And remember, your kid isn’t going to be traumatized just because you had to hold them down for a shot. Use the tips and tricks to ease the fear, but if the tears still come, as long as you can keep yourself calm, that’s good enough.