Episode #34:
Game ONÂ
If only there was a way we could connect with our kids, foster their social/emotional skills, develop their executive functioning while also having fun as a family.
Oh wait! The answer has been hiding inside our cluttered closet the whole time….
Structured games are an incredible way to help kids learn to manage their emotions (who hasn’t wanted to punch the candy land board when you get pulled back to gingerbread land mere steps away from the candy castle!), practice calming themselves when anxious (thanks Perfection!) and understand the importance of being a good sport if we want to have people to play with.
Plus games help families connect on a multi-generational level (watching my 75 year old mom play Headbanz with my 9 year old daughter gives me hours of heart swelling entertainment).
AND they give kids much needed tactile ways of connecting in person rather than being sucked into screens.
On today’s “Good Enough Parenting” podcast, I not only share my favorite games for increasing our kids emotional IQ, but also invite Gian Paolo Aroldi (a teacher, brilliant game designer, and oh yeah, my husband) to talk about how to help kids learn to design and develop THEIR OWN games – which has endless benefits in terms of boosting creativity, imagination, logical thinking, and artistic ability. Â
So dust off that old Monopoly Board and get your game face on. You’ll be amazed at how an hour of game play can fill up the whole family. Even if your kid destroys you, you’ll have had a good time playing. And that’s more than good enough.