Episode #37:

Family Travel Tips


Traveling with kids can suck.

Traffic, airport delays, an endless chorus of “are we there yet” can make any parent question whether spending a small fortune on a family trip is really worth it.


But getting our families out of their at home comfort zone has endless benefits.


Not only do we see what life is like outside of our little bubbles, but we also create lasting memories and return from trips with a fresh perspective on our OWN family life.


Traveling adventures can make for an amazing catalyst for change if we’re stuck in a family rut.


If you’re headed out of town this summer and want some ways to make the experience less painful and more pleasurable, tune in to today’s “Good Enough Parenting” podcast.


I share my favorite travel tips for keeping everyone (including parents!) calm even when waiting in a 2 hour car rental line. (hint – bring snacks)


My favorite part of any vacation is coming back to the hotel at the end of the night with a pizza and having a “bed picnic” as we reflect on the day. Sometimes we share our favorite sight, sometimes we share our favorite meal, and sometimes we laugh about how one of us had a meltdown in the middle of a museum because everyone was walking too slow.


Travel days are filled with ups and downs, but we’re having these experiences together and that’s good enough.