Episode #38:

3 Types of Mom Friends


My favorite movies and tv shows are female buddy comedies. Give me some Boys on the Side, Baby Mama, Bad Moms and especially Broad City and I’m happy for days.


I just recently went to see “Babes” with my best girlfriends and almost had to leave the theater I was laughing so hard.


Female friendships have always been essential for me. But once kids entered the picture, it was a lot harder to maintain these relationships.


It’s like your whole life gets turned upside down and shaken up and the first thing to fall away are what feel like frivolous nights out with the girls.


But being together with other women, especially other moms, is anything but frivolous. Time spent together is not only regulating for our own nervous systems, but it serves our families. We learn from one another (I can’t tell you how many life hacks I’ve picked up just by watching other moms in action), we commiserate with one another over the out of control demands on modern day moms, and we return to our families rejuvenated and restored.


As I like to tell my husband, mom’s night out is sacred space.


On today’s “Good Enough Parenting” podcast, I share why I value these relationships so deeply and also the 3 types of “mom friends” I hope every mom has in her tribe.


For all the moms, no matter what stage of parenthood you’re in, I hope this summer you can find some time to connect or re-connect with the women in your life who light you up.


Maybe you can plan a weekend escape a la “Wine Country” with the Tina Fey to your Amy Poehler or maybe you can just squeeze in a 15 minute walk around the block. Any time together is good enough.