Episode #41:

Why Good Enough Works  


It’s the end of June, my kids are out of school and the lazy days of summer are laid out before us.

I used to pack our summers with outings and activities because it was hard being home all together.

But as my kids have gotten older and more independent and I’ve learned the value of doing less as a parent, I now look forward to quiet days where the biggest question on our mind is what’s for lunch.

So in summer I pause. I move slow. I play. I appreciate. I enJOY.  

Which is why after this week’s episode of the “Good Enough Parenting” podcast I’ll be on summer break.

I have LOVED sharing my thoughts, guidance and parenting mist-steps with you this past year. I’m honored that you’ve read my words, listened to my voice and told me how the ideas I’ve imparted have resonated with you and sometimes inspired change. 

But I practice what I preach. Slowing things down, pausing, and taking care o myself.

I might pop in with a message here or there to tell you any insights I’m gathering, but for the most part I’ll be savoring summer.

I’m ending season 1 with a personal story of how my own journey led me to become a good enough parent. And how what my family went through planted the seeds of the podcast.

It’s a bit vulnerable and scary to share my story so candidly. But I know the good enough parents out there will take it in with open minds and open hearts.

Which is exactly what our kids need from us. Grace, compassion, love, wonder, curiosity and patience. If we could all show these gifts to our children and ourselves, that would be good enough.

Have the sweetest summer. See you in September!